
DO-254 Safety Critical Airborne Applications

DO-254 Design & Services: Reliability by Design

In the aerospace domain, IOxOS Technologies assures the highest level of reliability in the design of safety critical airborne applications thanks to its combined RTCA DO-178B and DO-254 expertise
DO-254 is a document providing guidance for the development of Airborne Electronic Hardware (AEH), published by RTCA and accepted as a mean of compliance by both FAA and EASA certification authorities
We offer DO-254 compliant electronic designs targeting the most critical Design Assurance Levels (DAL A) in order to fit all the possible applications, from critical airborne systems to high-reliability ground-based equipments. This design expertise is complemented with consulting services, from gap analysis to supporting processes management

IOxOS Technologies is an active member of the DO-254 Users Group, joining aerospace companies, experts, tool vendors and component manufacturers involved in the conception, development and certification support of AEH